Gosforth Pyramid

As a part of the Gosforth Schools’ Trust, the eleven schools are committed to providing a smooth and natural progression for your child’s education, with dynamic learning continuing uninterrupted through transfer times at aged nine and thirteen. We work collaboratively with the Promise Board of the Local Authority to offer the same high quality transition experiences to all of our children as they move schools. 

Beyond our trust, we are a part of the Gosforth Pyramid with Gosforth Junior Academy and Gosforth High, who are part of the Gosforth Group. We strive to work collaboratively with Gosforth Junior Academy as our neighbour and as our feeder school for the vast majority of our children at aged nine.

Wherever your child chooses to go to after Archibald we ensure that there is good communication between the schools and have strong partnerships with them to ensure the best possible transition for your child.

Click to visit the website for Gosforth Junior High Academy and Gosforth Academy

Click to visit the website for Gosforth Central Middle School
Gosforth Central Twitter @GCMSCentral

Click to visit the website for Gosforth East Middle School
Gosforth East Twitter @GosEastMiddle

Click for the Newcastle City Council Schools Information