How Pupil Premium is used at Archibald First School
The funding was, and will continue to be, used as follows;
- Additional Teaching Assistants to support under-achieving pupils
- 1-1 support – Personalised learning programmes bespoke to needs of individual children
- HLTA trained to provide Drawing and Talking therapy
- Family Support Officer (0.4 post) Parental engagement and support for vulnerable children and their families
- Quality first teaching
- Safeguarding support for vulnerable families
- 1-1 counselling for individual pupils identified as at risk
- Tracking and monitoring systems
- Curriculum focused visits and visitors with outcomes clearly focused to deliver the communication, language and literacy and stimuli for learning. writing
- Additional extra curricular sports clubs
- Theatre and Gallery visits
- Residential visits
- Attendance incentives
- To develop and enhance the outdoor environment in Early Years
- Practical, investigative Numeracy curriculum
- Resources including, computing equipment
- Resources to provided 1-1 phonics tutoring
- Literacy resources to promote spelling and handwriting
- Learning embedded in experiences that are meaningful and relevant to 21st century curriculum / skills for life.
- Additional class teacher to provide support including academic and social areas of learning
These measures have had a very positive impact on attainment and progress for the children in receipt of the funding. Data can evidence the impact of this work:
- Increased and sustained attendance across the school
- Attainment and progress for all but a few pupils which is in line with or above end of year expectations