River Tyne Half Term Challenge


This half term, we’re going to see how far each staff member can walk/run/jog/swim or travel the distance of the River Tyne (73 miles).

Due to COVID, we’re unable to complete this together as a whole staff. However, we’re keeping spirits high by all venturing on in our own ways!   

  • Which staff member will find the funniest way to travel?  
  • Who will travel the furthest at half term?   

As a family, would you like to join in? You don’t have to walk literally next to the River Tyne but the equivalent distance. How will you travel? As a family, how far can you travel?

We’ve decided to ask our family, friends and community to support the Lights for Lily fundraising page. Perhaps, you might want to reach out to your family and friends as well?

We will update our website with pictures of us completing this task over half term and show you how far we’ve managed to go!   

Follow us on twitter and please tweet us in your pictures and adventures too.  If you would like to join us in fundraising for a special little girl. Please donate to…. Lights for Lily with the hashtag #AFSRivertynefundraiser so we can find out how much we’ve managed to raise!  
