Today is Archibald’s Daft Day!


Today is the Gosforth School Trust Daft as a Brush day!
Daft as a Brush is an amazing charity that offers free transport to patients undergoing cancer treatment and it is a charity close to many of our hearts.
Your challenge today is to get as DAFT AS POSSIBLE to help raise money for this worthy cause and to of course, have heaps of fun!

How will you show your inner daftness? Face paint? Crazy hair? Perhaps you will wear your clothes back to front? We cannot wait to see how creative and daft you can truly get!
Please share your efforts today on our Facebook page or Twitter using the hashtag #GSTDaft
Whilst we hope this challenge brings lots of fun and smiles to your household, please consider making a small donation to this fabulous charity using the link below;

As I am sure you already know, your teachers at Archibald are completely bonkers and they all jumped at the chance to show off their inner daftness! We have created a daft video for you all to enjoy as well as all taking a daft selfie!
Enjoy watching and looking through their silly pictures below, we hope it makes you smile.

Have a wonderfully daft day everyone, keep smiling and we hope you all have a fantastic half term!

Love from all the staff at Archibald!