Pupil Premium 2018-19
Pupil Premium Funding for 2018-19 was £81, 040
Specific Results for children in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding July 2019:
- Every child in Early Years identified as receiving the pupil premium funding made at least good progress from their individual starting points, 88% made better than expected progress in reading and maths, and 75% made better than expected progress in writing. 6 out of 8 children (75%) achieved a Good Level of Development.
- 93% of all the pupils from years 1 – 4 in receipt of the pupil premium funding made at least expected progress in reading, with 91% for writing and maths. This equates to 4 children, 3 of whom have identified SEND and 1 child who was admitted to school in the summer term. In terms of attainment 82% of all these pupils from years 1-4 reached the expected level of attainment in reading, 77% writing and 80% in maths.
- 80% (8/10) of the children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding made the expected progress in Year 1 for reading, writing and maths. 40% of children made better than expected progress in reading, 20% in writing and 10% in maths. 60% of the group of 10 children reached the end of year age expected levels in reading, writing and maths. 40% of the children exceeded the end of year expectations in reading, 20% in writing and 10% in mathematics.
- In Year 2, 100% of the 9 children receiving the funding made the expected progress over the year in reading with 89% in writing and maths. 25%, 13% and 25% made better than expected progress in reading, writing and maths respectively. 89% of the Year 2 cohort of children eligible for pupil premium funding was working at the end of year expected level in reading and maths, with 78% in writing. 11% of the 9 children were working above the end of year expected level of attainment in reading and writing, with 22% doing so in maths.
- With the expected progress being 3 steps, 92% (11/12) made this in reading, writing and maths in Year 3 with 33% making better than expected progress in reading and writing, and 25% in maths. In Year 3, 83% of the 12 children eligible for the funding met the end of year expected level of attainment in reading, writing and maths. 16% of the children in reading and 8% in writing were working above the end of year expected levels.
- 100% of the 13 children receiving the funding in Year 4 made the expected 3 steps progress in reading, writing and maths. 38% made better than expected progress in reading, with 23% doing so in writing and maths. 92% of the children were working at the end of year expected level in reading with 85% in writing and maths. 38% of children in reading, 23% in writing and 23% in maths were working at above the end of year expectations.
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-19:
Archibald Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-19 July 2019
Archibald Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-19 March 2019
Archibald Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-19 December 2018
Archibald Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2018-19 October 2018