Families and School Together 2023

Our Family Support Adviser, Diana West, organises various clubs, meetings and opportunities for the children, families as a whole and the adults throughout the year.

For further details of to book a place, please contact Diana on 07879485993 or via diana.west@archibaldfirstschool.co.uk.


Creating Connections

Creating Connections Coffee Morning

Language Communities


ESOL – Improve your English language skills


ESOL classes are open to the local community

Local Information

FACE Newsletter June 2024

Newcastle SEND Local Offer Live Event

Debt and relationships

Getting it right for children

Me you and baby too

Arguing better

Online relationship support

Support for Families

Support for Families 2

Newsletter March 2 2024

FACE Newsletter March 2024

Family Advice from FACE Newsletter October

New Starter Coffee Mornings

Reception 10am on 5th, 6th, 7th September 2023 

Nursery 9am on 11th September and 12.30pm on 13th September 2023.

Pre Christmas Coffee Invite

Pre-Christmas Coffee Invite

Post Adoption Support 

Autumn 2 Post Adoption Lunch

Spring 1 Post Adoption Lunch

Summer 1 2024 Post Adoption Lunch

Summer 2 2024 Post Adoption Lunches

RISE Parent Workshops

RISE workshop for parents


SEND Coffee Mornings – Please come along to share your experiences over a cup of coffee.

Autumn 1 SEND Support Coffee morning poster

Autumn 2 SEND Support Coffee morning poster

Spring 1 SEND Support Coffee morning poster

Summer 1 2024 SEND Support Coffee Morning Poster

Summer 2 2024 SEND Support Coffee Morning

Ways to Well Being

Wellbeing Wednesday Invite 14.2.24

Welfare Rights Workshop

Debt and relationships



Sensory Workshop letter

Sleep Workshop summer 2024 timetable


Families and School Together 2022