Sprinkle Kindness Like Confetti! Year 1 Week 5


Hello everyone, and welcome to our last week of Castles and Knights! We really hope you have enjoyed finding out about the past and you have hopefully figured out all the causes that led to Newcastle getting its name. This blog will be a little different as there are a few things to celebrate and think about this week. We still have few challenges for you, but remember, you can do as many or as few as you like; enjoy!

Lovely Things!
School and home might be rather different at the moment, but there is still plenty to celebrate and be thankful for. Last Friday, we celebrated Mrs Sinclair’s last day of work as she and Mr Sinclair need to rest and prepare for Baby Sinclair’s arrival!

I have also included some images of all the tasks you’ve completed at home, as those need celebrated too! I can’t include every single picture, but please know that we have looked at everything you have sent us via email, Facebook and Twitter, and we think it’s magnificent! If you don’t see something that belongs to you this week, you are still a super star and make us proud every single day!

Our celebrations go way beyond exploring learning. Life does not revolve around work; being safe with our family and feeling happy is so important. For that, we often have memories instead of pictures, but we have still heard all about your personal achievements and family time…

Sophie learned to ride her bike without stabilisers!
Bea started learning to play the keyboard!
Poppy enjoyed a home cinema day!
Emilia got back on her bike and continued delivering treats to friends!
Fred has been climbing Cow Mountain and visiting the allotment!
Molly enjoyed a visit to a castle!
Linus enjoyed watching Mary Poppins with his family!
Will enjoyed tadpole spotting!
Archie has been keeping a close eye on the swans!
Everyone has been staying home, staying safe and staying smiling!

To sum it all up: Thank you, Year 1. Keep shining.

National Children’s Day – Sunday 17th May 2020

Challenge: Art – Photography
Yesterday was National Children’s Day! It celebrates the importance of a happy, healthy childhood and your rights. With this in mind, we would love to learn more about your opinions of our world. Can you capture your thoughts in photographs and share it with us?
Challenge 2: Debating
If you were the Prime Minister, what three rules/laws would you suggest and why? Why not pop on your smartest clothes and film your speech to the public?

Our School Rules
You may remember that we have 5 Golden Rules and our Good to be Green system at school. All of the grown ups at school have been working together to come up with some new ideas. Have a look at them and see if you can decide how you might demonstrate being ready, responsible, respectful and safe at school.

Lovely Literacy!
This week it is Mental Health Week. Do you remember when we shared ‘Be Brave Little Penguin’ and focused on the theme ‘Find Your Brave’ for Children’s Mental Health Week? We spent lots of time learning how to keep our minds feeling healthy. Instead of this week only being about children, it is also about grownups; it’s very important that grownups have healthy minds, too!

This year’s theme is… kindness! Many people are showing kindness at the moment, by raising money for charity, doing the shopping for friends and family who can’t go to the shops, and providing a listening ear on the telephone with people who may be alone.

Challenge 1: Discuss the animation.
How do you show kindness at home? How do others show it to you? How can you colour our world with kindness?

Challenge 2: ARK (Acts of Random Kindness!)
Can you try to carry out one ARK every day this week? Please keep a diary of all the lovely things you have done to show kindness. You might like to add drawings or photographs to match the explanations. It could be using your manners, setting the table, making a card; the choice is yours! Enjoy this story about ARKs.

Challenge 3: Mindful Moments
Carry out a calming task that helps your brain relax. It might be sharing a story, a long walk, using your listening skills to complete a yoga class, writing about your feelings, putting together a jigsaw to exercise your fingers and thumbs, squeezing some playdough, watching a film; anything you like! Grownups – this includes you!

Challenge 4: Retell the story
This story has no words! If you were to turn the animation into a comic strip or story book, how would you write it? Choose one section of the animation, name the characters and off you go! Can you make it clear why the world became colourful?

We have also included a tick or sticker chart to track all of your ARKs! Find them here.

Marvellous Maths!
The White Rose Maths Team continue to prepare a series of five maths lessons for each year group. Every lesson comes with a short video.

We also recommend BBC Bitesize, as there are free opportunities to practise the White Rose lessons with different activities and worksheets. The dates marry up exactly.

Please feel free to backdate and work on the ‘Summer Term Week 3 (w/c 4th May)’ tab and complete as required, as we have covered this area of maths and the worksheets are available.
It looks like this.

Lesson 1 – Part-whole relationships number bonds
Lesson 2 –
Fact families – linking addition and subtraction
Lesson 3 –
Add together and find a part
Lesson 4 –
Add more and count on within 20 on
Lesson 5 –
Friday Maths Challenge

If you are up to date with White Rose, you will notice that subscriptions are required to access the worksheets. As a school, we have subscribed, however worksheets will not be available until after half term, as we wait for the subscription to go live.

Reasoning and Problem Solving
I have two new Problem Solving tasks for you this week. In each, there will be more than one answers, so you might like to work systematically. Remember, this will help you to keep track of which solutions you have found and which you should try next.

If I was solving this, I might start at door 44 to see where he ends up. Then door 43, so on and so forth. Make sure to stay within Postman Percy’s door numbers!

This one has SO many options; how many can you find? I’ll start you off with 11, 12, 13, 14!

Terrific Topic!
Challenge 1: History
Recap all of your learning. Think carefully about all of the things you have learned and decide: How did Newcastle get its name?
Is there just one cause? Or was there a chain of events? If so, what were those events? You can record your answer any way you please.

Challenge 2: Geography
Now that you have learned lots about castles and their features; where do you think is the best place to build a castle? Should they be built in an urban, rural or coastal area? On flat ground or on a hill? Explain your reasons by speaking, writing or drawing and labelling.

Challenge 3: Drama
We had hoped to end our topic by having our very own battle. Perhaps you can try it at home. Pop on your tabard, gather your shield, sword and trusty steed, and head to battle against your family! Think carefully about your battle plan and weaponry! In the past we have used ball pit balls and foam swords/javelins.

Challenge 4: Art – Photography
Rainbow Challenge

Lots of castles are closed at the moment, or I would suggest you visit one! You can still get out for fresh air and exercise, and spot them from afar. Look at this photo of Bamburgh Castle. If you aren’t sure where it is, have a look at a map! Can you see the rainbow? Our challenge to you is to create your own rainbow by taking pictures, as we can’t predict when there will next be a rainbow in the sky. See below for some inspiration!

Super STEM!
Challenge: DT
Design and create your very own castle!
We hoped to end this topic by building our very own castles with an operating drawbridge. It is possible to create a pulley with string; see if you can do it!

Lots of you seem to have been one step ahead and have already completed this task! If you are one of these people, can you design your castle in another way? Mrs Sinclair found a castle built from toast! You could even add a moat of beans! Or perhaps a fruity, castle-shaped snack is more to your liking?

Brilliant Bucket Fillers!

My bucket is so full that it is overflowing this half term! I have been made so proud by all the pictures, videos and emails that you have been sending, as have all the other Year 1 grown ups. I have also been surprised this week! The postman brought me a delivery and I had no idea what it was or who had sent it – queue lots of excitement! Turns out, it was a delicious, gooey surprise from Mrs Sinclair. How kind and thoughtful of her! What kind, thoughtful things have happened to you recently? What kindness have you spread? Remember, kindness isn’t only spread via gifts; it can be words or actions too.

How are you getting on with your Happiness Bingo? It’s the perfect week to ensure you carry out some of the ideas on your Bingo card. In case you missed it last week, here it is again:

Challenge: Things we should say more often!
See the video below from Kid President. It is a lighthearted video, making suggestions of things we could say more often to fill buckets. What would you suggest?

Magnificent Makaton!

I think it’s important that this week we look at the sign for ‘kind.’ Have a look at the video here:

Enjoy the story of The Tiger Who Came To Tea. You will know lots of the signs; see if you can join in! Can you teach your family 5 signs from the story?

Year 1, you and your grownups have worked your absolute socks off this half term, and we couldn’t be prouder or more thankful to you all, especially for managing to do it all at home! You are absolute super stars and should be so proud of everything you have accomplished. We hope you have a relaxing half term and we will post again soon.

Love Miss White, Mr Bourke, Mrs Corrigan, Mrs Conway and Mr Holman x