
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

Parents and carers are welcome to ask for a paper copy of any policies, please contact the office.

AFS Accessibility Plan 2023

AFS Admissions Policy 2024-25

AFS Admissions Policy 2025-26

“There is a right for people to object about the policy to the Schools Adjudicator (OSA). See the Schools Adjudicator website for more information on how to do this. Objections for the admissions arrangements for 2025/2026 must be made by 15 May 2024”.

AFS Anti-Bullying 2024

AFS Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2024

AFS Behaviour Policy 2024AFS Calculation Policy 2024

AFS Charging and Remissions Policy 2024

AFS Collective Worship Policy 2023

AFS Communications Policy 2024

AFS Complaints Procedure 2024

AFS Confidentiality Policy 2023

AFS Curriculum Intent 2024

AFS Designated Person for Child Protection 2023

AFS Drugs Education Policy 2023

AFS English as an Additional Language Policy 2024

AFS End of Day Policy 2022

AFS Equality Statement 2023

AFS First Aiders 2023

AFS Freedom of Information 2022

AFS Holidays in Term Time 2023

Further information on School Attendance and Holidays in term time can be found on the Newcastle City Council’s Schools web page ‘Attendance’.

AFS Homework Policy 2022

AFS Home School Partnership 2023

AFS Information and Data Protection 2022

AFS Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Procedure 2024

AFS Parents’ Summary of First Aid and Medicines 2024 (Prescribed medicines to be given to children should be in their original packaging with the child’s named prescription label attached

AFS Privacy Policies

AFS Reading Policy and Reading List 2023

AFS Relationship and Sex Education Policy 2023

AFS Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025 (to be ratified by the FGB)

AFS SEN Offer 2024

AFS SEND Policy 2024

AFS Supporting Children with Medical Conditions 2024

AFS Supporting on a School Visit 2022

AFS Uniform Policy 2022

AFS Visitors and Volunteers in School General Leaflet 2022

AFS Visitors to School Policy 2022

AFS Volunteers Working in School Policy 2022

AFS Working with Separated Parents Policy 2022